Member-only story
It’s true, the grass IS greener on the other side
After 21 years in a home I loved; I sold it and moved, by myself, to another state. I didn’t just physically move, the emotional move is turning out to be the bigger payoff.
It’s thrilling.
It’s only been three months. The positive emotional benefits are only now beginning to fully unfold. Almost three years ago my boyfriend and I began to explore how we could live together. Both extreme detail people, every possible approach was considered, thought about, discussed, researched, agonized over, argued about, calmly talked about; my place, his place, a new place, another state, our state, two places next door to each other, on and on and on. We traveled to look at houses, properties, and sent each other online listings. The gumball that finally rolled out of the machine was me moving to another state by myself.
I love it here.
The thought of change can be can be scary; moving, frightening; moving alone to another universe, paralyzing.
As it became clear that living under the same roof was not something that was going to happen in a time frame that was satisfying for both of us, not even close, I stepped out of “our” conversations and began to think of moving on my own. To be fair, moving in stages had been one of a million options we discussed. I was in a position to move sooner than him. I…