Member-only story
Big Love and Devotion
Big love is mine, devotion is theirs.
Mr & Mrs Tan came into my life four years ago.
I heard them peeping before I saw them. Stepping into the pet section of the resale shop — an odd combo, I know — there they were, six zebra finches in a purple and white cage. Be still my beating heart. I had been longing and searching for zebra finches for several years, they had proven oddly difficult to find. Here they were at last.
A small exchange, cash for peepers. They came home with me. I was in love.
At the age of 20 I fell in love with a guy that has been a roller coaster disaster ride ever since.
He told me I had a nice ass — crude, I know. I was going through my very first divorce at the time. It was nice to hear that my perfectly faded-Levi encased ass looked good to someone, anyone — I know, it sounds pitiful and desperate on my part. That’s where I was at the time.
When I stepped into his kitchen the first time all those years ago, I fell in love with his vintage fire-engine red enameled stove. I could hear zebra finches peeping in the living room while gazing at his magnificent red stove. I was completely hooked on both the vintage stove and zebra finches — he was and still is a disaster.