I ended my five year relationship this evening at 6:07 p.m.
Ending it has been overdue for some time. I haven’t been brave enough to pull the plug. I love him, admire him and respect many of the things he has accomplished throughout his long professional career life. I’ve learned a lot from being his partner these past five and a half years.
Oddly, I don’t feel sad right now. It may come later. Not sure. We’ll see.
Our five and a half years can be divided up in “before the incident” and “after.”
As we drove to our destination two years ago in July of 2017, we were full of hope; the future was all about US and being together. I can put myself back into that moment; we were laughing, the car windows were down, the temperature was perfect, the sun was shining, our favorite road trip music was playing, we were discussing the possibility of meeting with a lawyer about structuring “things” so our three children, my two and his one, would all be perfectly compensated to the degree at which he and I entered into home ownership and married our fortunes together.